WOVI’s Programs & Resources support the unique and specific needs of our members.

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Mentoring Programs:


Mentoring – the heartbeat of WOVI! As a WOVI member, when you join a WOVI Chapter, you will be assigned a mentor and each member is given the opportunity to mentor another member. It’s a win-win!

Mentor Seeking

Mentoring is a promise WOVI makes to every member. One of WOVI’s Basic Premises, WOVI, Inc. is dedicated to the provision of mentors for all members and to the education of the mentoring process. Each member is assigned a mentor. Each member mentors another member.

Mentor Certification Program

Our unique six month mentor training program.


The MentoRing™ exercise is presented at each chapter meeting and is one of WOVI’s hallmark benefits. It furthers the mission and vision of WOVI by encouraging on-the-spot mentoring and positive support each time WOVI members gather.



WOVI’s InterestRings™ meet and support the unique and specific needs of our members.


The WOVI ArtistRing™ brings visionary women together to exchange artistic ideas and information.


The purpose of the EmpoweRing™ is for women to gather to work on individual, specific goals, dreams, and endeavors.

Leadership Resources:

Leadership Documents & Ice Breakers & Logos

Leaders need tools and it always helps to have the ones that are tried and true.


The LeadersRing™ in WOVI, Inc. is led by the Management Council. It serves as a time of training for chapter leadership teams.


WOVI Chapter Presidents will gather, talk on the phone, or meet via video conference throughout the year. The purpose of the PresidentsRing™ is to allow time for fellow leaders to share and learn from each other.


The MentoRing™ exercise is presented at each chapter meeting and is one of WOVI’s hallmark benefits. It furthers the mission and vision of WOVI by encouraging on-the-spot mentoring and positive support each time WOVI members gather.

Chapter Resources:

Chapter Documents & Standards

The Chapter Standards are provided as a guide for leadership teams to follow. They establish criteria by which Outstanding Chapters are recognized for their accomplishments at the end of each year.


The MentoRing™ exercise is presented at each chapter meeting and is one of WOVI’s hallmark benefits. It furthers the mission and vision of WOVI by encouraging on-the-spot mentoring and positive support each time WOVI members gather.

Start A WOVI Chapter

You can help make this vision a reality by starting a chapter in your area, company, school, or organization. We are with you each step of the way.


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