Live the Power of WOVI.
What does that mean to you? What is the power of WOVI? Is it in your Chapter monthly meetings? Maybe in the MentoRing™ you experience at each meeting?
Think about this: It’s in you. It’s the power every woman has within herself that WOVI and all it offers unleashes in each of us.
Women are incredibly powerful.
I sat with a small group of WOVI and future WOVI members recently. As we talked around the table, I was incredibly impressed by everything these women are doing: Building businesses. Taking care of young children. Managing households. Part-time jobs along with businesses. Full-time jobs and part-time businesses. Finding time to workout and care for themselves… to some extent.
These women are powerful.
They accomplish so much. Do so much. Have so much to offer their families, their careers and their communities. But do they feel their own power? Not as much as they could. Do they realize their power? Not as much as they should. Around that table, the power grew as support, ideas and encouragement were shared.
Now that’s Living the Power of WOVI!
Empowering Women to Lead.
Make the most of your WOVI experience. Attend your Chapter and other Chapter meetings. Participate in the WOVI InterestRings™. If there is not a chapter in your geographic area, start one! Get involved.
The more you are involved, the more you live the power of WOVI.
How are you living the empowerment of WOVI?
E-mail me and let me know!
Live the Power of WOVI.
– Pauline Shirley, President and Founder of WOVI