Pauline Shirley, Co-Founder & Chairman of WOVI
MISSION: WOVI, Inc. empowers women to lead and mentor.
WOVI’s mission of empowering women to lead and mentor is accomplished through our Chapters, mentors, programs and events. It is a widely recognized 501 (c)(3) nonprofit membership-driven organization with a unique mentoring and leadership focus. Our dynamic and diversified culture celebrates the brilliance of women. Through WOVI, women learn to integrate leadership, education and mentoring into the fabric of their lives. We include women of all ages, professions, and ethnicities.
We exist to help women achieve goals for their chosen path in life. Our multiple Chapters provide the following:
1. Educational and motivational presentations at our monthly Chapter meetings, providing access to important resources and ideas.
2. An interactive exercise (MentoRing™), at each meeting, that builds, uplifts, encourages and empowers through input and immediate feedback. Again and again, comments abound on the helpfulness of this activity.
3. A mentor or mentee within the Chapter. Selected by Chapter leaders with input from members, this relationship is the basic premise offered by WOVI and can be life changing.
4. Leadership opportunities for the Chapter with direct mentoring and guidance by previous leaders, along with WOVI-wide training throughout the year and an annual Leadership Summit and Award Ceremony.
2. An interactive exercise (MentoRing™), at each meeting, that builds, uplifts, encourages and empowers through input and immediate feedback. Again and again, comments abound on the helpfulness of this activity.
WOVI, Inc., via the board and management council, delivers other exciting programs. These events serve to promote mentoring, education, and leadership training to our members and guests. Check with your local Chapter to find out more and join us!
• Annual Conference for Women
• Leadership Summit where all leaders gather to assume their roles
• The “Pauline Shirley Mentor of the Year Award,” an annual event
• InterestRings™, groups meeting separately to pursue common interests, such as writing, the arts, health, empowerment, etc.
• Mentor Certification Program, for members and non-members, adding an important credential to awardees both professionally and personally
• Leadership Summit where all leaders gather to assume their roles
• The “Pauline Shirley Mentor of the Year Award,” an annual event
• InterestRings™, groups meeting separately to pursue common interests, such as writing, the arts, health, empowerment, etc.
• Mentor Certification Program, for members and non-members, adding an important credential to awardees both professionally and personally
For more information, please select from the link below or the menu above.
Programs & Resources
Calendar of Events
The Founding Advisory Board brought WOVI to an exciting beginning in October 2001 and a successful formal inauguration in January 2002.
In addition to the Co-founders, the members of the Founding Advisory Board are: Ellen Biggs, Mary Boyd, Pat Gallagher, Jennifer Johnson, Sandy Palisch, Diane Sajwaj, Angela Warr, Janet Wilemon, Evelyn Young.
We would like to meet you and welcome you to WOVI 2025!