- Chapter Details
- About Us
- Upcoming Meetings
- Testimonials
- Be A Sponsor
WOVI Garland – Mesquite
has merged with WOVI North Dallas
for more members, more fun, and more mentoring!
Current Chapter and Meeting Information Available HERE.
Chapter Info:
Chapter Info:
Join us! We can’t wait to see you!
Please make sure WOVI North Dallas/Garland/Mesquite is on your calendar for the second Thursday of each month in 2025!
We will continue to hold our meetings on Zoom, and meet quarterly in person.
Please visit our North Dallas Chapter page to RSVP for the next meeting.
WOVI Dues:
WOVI Dues:
Paid Annually: $100.00
Benefits of membership:
- Member discounts for Chapter meetings with monthly MentoRing™
- Member discounts for Annual Conference, Mentor Recognition Luncheon, and other events
- Assigned mentor/mentee to facilitate growth and learning
- Leadership opportunities
- Wonderful WOVI Women!
New Member & Guest Orientation
New Member & Guest Orientation
To learn more about WOVI and the value of membership, we can provide an Orientation 30 minutes prior to the meeting. You will learn more about the benefits of WOVI membership and an overview of mentoring. If you plan to attend the orientation, please let us know when you RSVP by requesting an Orientation in the Additional Comments box.
Member Spotlight:
Member Spotlight:
Be inspired by the latest Member Spotlight. Each month, we allow one of our fabulous members the opportunity to share something special about themselves. It’s a great way to get to know them better and be inspired by their wisdom and experience. We always look forward to seeing them truly shine in the Member Spotlight!
WOVI Moments
WOVI Moments
Every meeting includes an opportunity to share WOVI Moments—something in your life that would not have happened were it not for WOVI. It’s also a time to share what you and your mentor or mentee have accomplished, or to simply brag about a recent shining moment you have experienced. Anything worth sharing or celebrating is a WOVI Moment! Members and guests alike are encouraged to participate.
MentoRing™ Exercise
MentoRing™ Exercise
Each WOVI Chapter meeting allows for time to reflect or work on the topic of the meeting. It is a trademarked exercise created by our Co-Founder Pauline Shirley and instigated at the very first WOVI public meeting. It is unique and beneficial in that each individual provides her comments or answers to a relevant question, then receives immediate input and feedback from the meeting participants. It happens in small groups so wisdom and knowledge are both gained and imparted personally. The results can be life-changing!
WOVI Garland - Mesquite
What do our members say about WOVI?
We embraced ourselves with who we are: loved, intelligent, worthwhile, Individual, amazing, multi-tastic women!
If you don’t feel this way about yourself – then you NEED WOVI!
Women of Visionary Influence – we are women, for women, no ulterior motives.
This group is just for you: amazing women with more potential than you know!
It is for YOU! No exception! Find out what it’s all about!
RSVP today!
We are looking forward to meeting you at our next meeting.
About WOVI, Inc.:
About WOVI, Inc.:
WOVI, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers women to lead and mentor.
Our Vision:
Our Vision:
Women empowered to make a difference in their lives, communities, and in the world.
2024-2025 Officers:
2024-2025 Officers:
Janet Wilemon
First Vice President
Monnica Rose
Second Vice President
Vice President Finance
Vice President Member Services
Cynthia Lucas
Vice President Programs
Vice President Mentoring
Pam Johnson
Vice President Membership
Pam Johnson
Vice President Communications
Danni Babik
Vice President Administration
WOVI Garland / Mesquite Upcoming Meetings:
WOVI Garland / Mesquite Upcoming Meetings:
WOVI North Dallas — Garland/Mesquite meets the second Thursday of each month.
LeadersRings are held periodically. Some are via conference calls and some are live face-to-face meetings. Detailed information about the type of meeting and location of meetings will be sent via email (you may sign up to receive these announcements on the right side of this page) to all members and posted on the website.
For more information, please see the LeadersRing™ page.
What members say about WOVI!
Would you, or someone you know, like to be a sponsor or a speaker?
Would you, or someone you know, like to be a sponsor or a speaker?
Sponsorship comes with the following benefits:
- Your name and logo on our meeting newsletter
- Your name and logo on our meeting agenda
- Your materials available during the meeting
- Five minutes of presentation time during the meeting