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Join WOVI Arlingon – Mid-Cities on Saturday morning, April 12th, 2025
via Zoom!

Come Saturday morning join us on ZOOM! for an exciting interview
with our guest speaker Tammy McCormick
11:00 am CT

Topic Title:
“The Fascinating History of the Harp”

Tammy will be speaking on “The Fascinating History of the Harp”. Tammy will explore the harp’s rich history. How it evokes deep emotions that can lead to self-care. She will also be sharing some of her personal experiences with the harp. The harp is a beautiful instrument with depth and warmth which can be used for healing and joy. Come and be inspired to explore bringing the joy of music into your own life.


Tammy McCormick has a background in accounting and finance paired with an MBA. She has a solid foundation in business. However, her heart lies in personal growth and helping others. She has a passion for music, especially the harp, which adds a unique and soulful dimension to her life. She believes in the healing power of music. How music speaks to emotional well-being and the human spirit.

She believes that everyone has a voice that deserves to be understood and that there is value in connection and empathy. She enjoys playing music and loves reading about art and history. On weekends, you will find her with family and friends.


Zoom in early, Meet and Greet starts at 10:45 AM.

New Date & Time! Please spread the word…

Join us on Zoom for online Meetings!

RSVP Today for WOVI Arlington Mid Cities next meeting!

WOVI Arlington Mid Cities chapter meetings include our featured presentations, Member Spotlights, WOVI Moments, the famous MentoRing, and wonderful, interesting, and fantastic WOVI members. RSVP below then come join us for another inspiring presentation. Come & Feel inspired and equipped to make a difference right where you are. GUESTS ARE WELCOME! (No charge for Zoom meetings only).

Would you like to be surrounded by a group of women that truly support YOU? Would YOU like to be valued, seen and appreciated? Then WOVI is for you!

Check in early for our “Meet and greet” which begins at 10:45 AM. Here you can meet with chapter members and other women of vision and chat.

This program starts at 11:00 AM.
RSVP NOW so we can have a head count.

Join Us!


Also, Please, RSVP below too…
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Come and be a part of the beginnings of something GREAT!

Join Women of Visionary Influence of Arlington Mid-Cities
for our monthly Chapter Meeting
in April 2025.
Meeting includes, featured Presentation, Member Spotlight, WOVI Moments, the famous MentoRing, and wonderful, interesting and fantastic WOVI women.
Come to WOVI Arlington Mid-Cities and see what the excitement is all about!
Check in / Meet and greet begins at CT 10:45 AM. Come, and meet with other women of vision.
Program starts at 11:00 AM. RSVP NOW so we can have a head count.
Join us!

Join us and download our MentoRing™ exercise for this meeting!

The MentoRing™ is copyrighted by Pauline Shirley, and since 2001 is to be used solely for the use of WOVI, Inc. and its Chapters. Requests for use in other organizations or meetings, and approvals, must be made in writing.


Speaker April 12, 2025:
Tammy McCormick

Topic Title:
“The Facinating History of the Harp”


Join Zoom Meetings at
Click Here!

Meeting ID: 836 9618 5819



  • 10:45 am CT Connect / Social Time / Trivia and word games
  • 11:10 am CT Meeting Start Time
  • Featured Speaker
  • MentoRing Exercise
  • WOVI Moments
  • 12:30 pm Adjourn

Member Spotlight:

Be inspired by the latest Member Spotlight. Each month, we allow one of our fabulous members the opportunity to share something special about themselves. It’s a great way to get to know them better and be inspired by their wisdom and experience. We always look forward to seeing them truly shine in the Member Spotlight! 

New Member Orientation:

To learn more about WOVI and the value of membership, attend the Member and Mentor Orientation prior to the meeting. If you plan to attend the orientation, please let us know when you RSVP by indicating “YES” that you are also attending the orientation!

Meeting Sponsors:

Are you interested in promoting your business to WOVI women? Please consider being a meeting sponsor.

Click Here to learn more about becoming a Sponsor or Supporter!

The Dream Bowl & WOVI Moments:

Every meeting includes an opportunity to share WOVI Moments, your accomplishments and Mentor-to-Mentee Moments. This is your chance to thank your mentor, appreciate your mentee, share a recent success or accomplishment, also known as “bragging rights or shining star moments,” or to share an experience you have had because you are a member of WOVI. Members and guests alike are encouraged to participate.

RSVP & Contact Form

Please RSVP today! Come and be a part of the beginning of something GREAT!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    RSVP for which date(s)?

    (The agenda at left is for the next upcoming date, but you can RSVP to future events as well).

    Will you be attending the New Member Orientation prior to the meeting? (see Agenda section for time)

    Will this be your first time attending as our Guest?

    Will you be attending as a returning Guest?

    Would you like to be added to our mailing list?

    Please click "SEND" to finish your RSVP. Then, if paying via PayPal in advance, please do so by choosing your payment option below.


    Please enter below the characters you see above:

    Meeting Costs:

    • WOVI Members Free
    • Guests – $10 (Pay at the door, or using PayPal below)
    • Meals are available for purchase when meeting are held at a restaurant location

    Select your payment here:

    WOVI Arlington Mid-Cities Chapter Meeting

    Cancellations / No-Shows:

    Please let us know if you cannot attend by Sunday evening, before the meeting, if at all possible. This helps us to better plan and prepare the meeting room and coordinate with our location team.

    WOVI Member Renewal:

    It’s Membership Renewal Time!!
    Your Membership Expire on December 31, 2024

    Click Her to go to the Membership Renewal page www.wovi.com/membership-dues/

    WOVI Arlington-Mid-Cities

    What do our members say about WOVI?

    We embraced ourselves with who we are: loved, intelligent, worthwhile, Individual, amazing, multi-tastic women!

    If you don’t feel this way about yourself – then you NEED WOVI!

    Women of Visionary Influence – we are women, for women, no ulterior motives.
    This group is just for you: amazing women with more potential than you know!

    It is for YOU! No exception! Find out what it’s all about!


    RSVP today!

    We are looking forward to meeting you at the WOVI Arlington Mid-Cities Chapter meeting.

    About WOVI, Inc.:

    WOVI, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers women to lead and mentor.

    Our Vision:

    Women empowered to make a difference in their lives, communities, and in the world.

    2023-2024 Officers:


    Debra Sanford

    First Vice President

    Tammy Dean

    Second Vice President

    Mistie Anders-Clemons

    Vice President Finance

    Tammy McCormick

    Vice President Member Services>


    Vice President Programs


    Vice President Mentoring


    Vice President Membership


    Vice President Communications


    Vice President Administration


    WOVI Arlington Mid-Cities Upcoming Meetings:

    WOVI Arlington Mid-Cities’ Meetings Are Held The Third Tuesday of Each Month (except around holidays).

    Save The Date For These Upcoming Meetings!

    Here are the meetings planned for the upcoming month:
    • Saturday, April 12th, 2025 -Speaker: Tammy McCormick – “The Fascinating History of the Harp”


    LeadersRings are held periodically. Some are via conference calls and some are live face-to-face meetings. Detailed information about the type of meeting and location of meetings will be sent via email (you may sign up to receive these announcements on the right side of this page) to all members and posted on the website.
    For more information, please see the LeadersRing™ page.

    What members say about WOVI!

    WOVI has given me the confidence and accountability I need to pursue my dreams. Also, WOVI has given me wonderful friends.
    Nancy Starr-Cassidy- WOVI Member
    “The impact that WOVI has had on me since I became a member is huge. When I first became a member of WOVI, I was in the middle of some personal challenges. Going to the meetings helped me to move through these challenges by focusing on the topics that our meetings presented and stepping out of me and being of a help to someone else. I also developed deeper friendships with my already friends and cultivated new bonds of friendship with my new friends. By being in various leadership roles in our chapter, I am a better leader by just being in the presence of other leaders on the board. Learning and putting into practice leadership skills. As I stepped out of the chapter and went to the WOVI conference, I met other entrepreneurial minded women that have presented me with new and fresh ideas to increase my various streams of income. Therefore, making WOVI, an instrument of influence and of affluence.
    Dr. Ann- WOVI Member
    What I like about WOVI best of all is the mentoring. Being mentored by others has led me to do things I never thought of or never would have thought possible, if I had thought of them. Being involved in a nonprofit from the very beginning has helped me in so many ways. I have learned about mission and vision. I have changed my career path at the encouragement and enlightenment from my fellow WOVI members. I have created, agonized over, and learned to live with budgets! My salary has increased by 71% since becoming a member of WOVI. I have become a better encourager and delegator. I have become a leader.
    Janet Wilemon- WOVI Member
    WOVI has provided me with the opportunity to become more creative and to be part of a group that is genuinely interested in empowering women. It gives me a unique insight into how to empower women outside the WOVI group, and understand at a much deeper level my influence on other women in my life.
    Ruth White- WOVI Member
    Nervous and feeling vulnerable as I began to experience the power of the WOVI trademark Mento-Ring exercise, I received such important information from this educator , I was so uplifted I joined the very next meeting!
    Krista Hartman- WOVI Member
    When I first came to WOVI I had a book I wanted to write but thought I lacked what it took to get it done. I found WOVI women to be dynamic, accomplished, down-to-earth, supportive, and uplifting. I was impressed by the caliber of woman that was attracted to this group and that made me step up my game. The support I received from people I barely knew helped me to gain confidence in my abilities to tackle this book despite the fact that I was a fresh-out-of-the-closet writer. I started to strive for goals that I had long been afraid to attempt. In the WritersRing, we have created a safe, dynamic, supportive environment that enables writers to open their hearts and minds, hone their craft, and find and explore their true voice. It is often the first place guests and new members have read their work aloud. With the support of the WritersRing, I forged ahead with my book and it will be out in May 2014. The title is The Global Red Circle – Standing in Truth, Unleashing Our Most Powerful Selves. I have even retired from my business of ten years to live my dream and be a full-time writer and a build a singing and songwriting career. WOVI women are the best!
    Kim Andrews- WOVI Member
    WOVI has given me the confidence and accountability I need to pursue my dreams. Also, WOVI has given me wonderful friends.
    Sarah Baden- WOVI Member
    WOVI women are so supportive. Meetings are rich in generosity, approval and opportunity.
    Valery Guignon- WOVI Member
    WOVI is the one thing my energy drives toward every month – it is unique among women’s organizations.
    Frances Pelley- WOVI Member
    WOVI women are absolutely the most authentic, loving, supportive and fun women. I love that we have mentors for growth, support, and encouragement through new projects.
    Lynda Rhodes- WOVI Member

    Would you, or someone you know, like to be a sponsor or a speaker?

    Sponsorship comes with the following benefits:

    • Your name and logo on our meeting newsletter
    • Your name and logo on our meeting agenda
    • Your materials available during the meeting
    • Five minutes of presentation time during the meeting
    If you would like to be a Sponsor or a Speaker at WOVI Arlington-Mid-Cities, please contact us at www.wovi.com and let us know!


    Click Here to learn more about becoming a Sponsor or Supporter!


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