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Women of Visionary Influence – Addison Chapter
Congratulations to
WOVI Addison:
2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022!
Shirley Walker-King, Leader of the Year
Karla Marie, Mentor of the Year
Rockie Marvel, Member of the Year
Saturday, November 12, 2022
3:00pm – 7:00pm
Angie De Anda, Faciltator of the ArtistRing is having her final Art Glass Show!
What a great time to celebrate and reflect on the many artists who have shown their many works through the ArtistRing over the years. Angie, will have many one of a kind glass pieces on display and the prices have been slashed. There will be many freebees and drawings! It will be great visiting with new and old friends alike as we celebrate and commemorate the many WOVI Artists who have created many beautiful works.
We hope you can make it and bring a friend.
Please RSVP so we can ensure we have enough food for everyone!
Plano location will be provided upon RSVP
Meeting Date:
Saturday, November 12, 2022
3:00pm – 7:00pm
Please RSVP in one of the following ways:
- by email to woviaddison@gmail.com
- or use the RSVP form on this page.
Plano, TX
Exact location will be provided upon RSVP
3:00pm – 7:00pm
Learn more about WOVI:
Learn more about WOVI:
Each month, members of our Leadership Team hold an informal orientation for our newest members and those who want to learn more about us. Join us to learn more about the benefits of WOVI membership and how you can become more involved in Women of Visionary Influence!
RSVP & Contact Form:
RSVP & Contact Form:
Meeting Costs:
Meeting Costs:
Monthly Meeting Fees
Please add each meeting to the PayPal shopping cart, or add the “Pay for 6” or “pay for 12,” to match the number of meetings you RSVP’d for above.
Monthly Meeting Fees For Members |
WOVI Member Renewal:
It’s Membership Renewal Time for 2022!!
Your Membership Expire on December 31, 2022
We trust that you don’t want your membership to expire and want to renew your WOVI Addison dues this month! Renewals are due in January or July of each year. WOVI membership dues are:
- $60 semi-annually for 6 months
- $100 annually for 12 months, saving $20 over the semi-annual fee.
Payment of your membership dues allows you:
- To attend as many WOVI Chapter meetings (5 Chapters) as you want and only be charged whatever that Chapter charges are for their meeting. To see where those chapters are located go to www.wovi.com/chapters
- WOVI Addison’s member meeting charge is only $5.00 per meeting
- Attend any or all of the special interest rings at no charge: ArtistRing, WritersRing, EmpowerRing, WebWiseRing and for more information go to www.wovi.com/interestrings/
- Be assigned a Mentor or mentor others if you desire
- Place business flyers and cards on our Member-to-Member table when we return to the Olive Garden
- Be included in our chapter Member & Business Directory
All dues renewals are now collected at the Chapter level rather than paid directly to WOVI, Inc. You can easily pay with a credit card (whether you have a PayPal account or not), please click on one of the buttons at the top or below.
$60 semi-annually for 6 months:
$100 annually for 12 months, saving $20 over the semi-annual fee:
You can also pay with a credit card at the next Chapter Zoom meeting online.
We look forward to a wonderful year of connecting, mentoring, learning and supporting one another in 2022!
If you have questions, please let me know.
Mary S Boyd
VP Finance
2021-2022 Officers:
2021-2022 Officers:

Shirley Walker-King
VP Finance, VP Member Services, VP Mentoring:

Mary S Boyd
VP Administration:

Karla Marie
VP Communications:

Rockie Marvel
VP Membership:

Kaley Young
1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, VP Programs
Congratulations to
WOVI Addison:
2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022!
Shirley Walker-King, Leader of the Year
Karla Marie, Mentor of the Year
Rockie Marvel, Member of the Year
Congratulations to our newly elected 2021-2022 Leadership Team Members!
Welcome to Our Newest Members
Welcome to Our Newest Members
The Addison chapter is pleased and honored to welcome our newest members:
Carol Merlo
Pat Brown
Leticia Ferrer
Lin O’Neill
Rockie Marvel
Anne Allred
Diana Summers
Shirley Walker-King
Anne Redelfs
Kandice Den
Kelsel Thompson
Becky Bird
Mary Lozano
Martha Carbajal Colin
Dana Garnett
Vonda Walker
Gretchen Martens
Tina Rios
Kathryn Marshall
We’re always looking for members who want to be on a committee and those who want to grow in chapter Leadership and contribute more to the chapter.
The Leadership Team Meetings are held the second Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Zoom. All members are welcome to attend.
For more information contact woviaddison@gmail.com
About WOVI, Inc.:
About WOVI, Inc.:
WOVI, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers women to lead and mentor.
Our Vision:
Our Vision:
Women empowered to make a difference in their lives, communities, and the world.
WOVI Addison's Upcoming Meetings:
WOVI Addison's Upcoming Meetings:
WOVI Addison’s Meetings Are Held The First Wednesday of Each Month.
Save The Date For These Upcoming Meetings!
- Wednesday, May 4, 2022: Speaker: Sandra Lewis
- NO MEETING IN JUNE: Member Only Event
- Wednesday, July 6, 2022: Speaker: Carol Merlo
- Wednesday, August 3, 2022: Speaker: Coleen Merck
- Wednesday, September 7, 2022: Speaker: Nadya Tatsch