May 10, 2023 LeadersRing™
May 10, 2023 LeadersRing™
FOCUS on the WOVI LeadersRing™
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM CSTOnline via Zoom
SAVE THE DATE! and register NOW to attend the WOVI LeadersRing™ on Wednesday Night, May 10, 2023, from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm CT
LeadersRing™ for all WOVI Officers and Interested Members
Calling all WOVI Leaders and Members! It’s time for TRAINING!
Register today to attend WOVI’s Spring leadership training. On Wednesday, May 10th we will focus on leadership and empowering ourselves and others by going the Extra Degree!
“At 211 degrees water is hot, very HOT, but one degree higher and water boils. And with boiling water, comes steam, and with that steam you can POWER a locomotive! That one extra degree…makes all the difference!” Learn how to Empower Others, Empower Yourself with this simple concept THE EXTRA DEGREE
Register today to attend WOVI’s Spring leadership training. On Wednesday, May 10th we will focus on leadership and empowering ourselves and others by going the Extra Degree!

Debra Sanford
WOVI’s LeadersRing Presents:
Debra Sanford with THE EXTRA DEGREE
As Women of Visionary Influence, we all want to make a difference! Right? HOW?
By turning up the heat! Our feature speaker is Management Council VP Communications, Debra Sanford, a 10-year WOVI member and leader, and a Toastmasters veteran for 24 years. Debra will explore how this leadership principle will help you to become outstanding in your field. Based book, 212 the EXTRA DEGREE by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson. You too can take yourself to that next level and discover how to make a difference and EMPOWER yourself and OTHERS to achieve your goals.
The LeadersRing™ will also cover additional topics such as:
- A fun icebreaker (Meet and greet your WOVI Friends!)
- Our signature MentoRing™ exercise.
- Leadership Message from our founder, Pauline Shirley.
ALSO…WOVI LeadersRing™ attendees will also receive the latest UPDATES about our upcoming events including:
WOVI MEMBERSHIP CONTEST! Who is taking the lead in our Membership contest? Members who sponsor guests and new members, from Jan – May will receive recognition and prizes at WOVI’s Annual Women’s Conference on June 10th. (Get all the details at the LeadersRing™!)
Details on the WOVI’s Annual Women’s Conference Announcement IN JUNE
WOVI Mentor of the Year Awards. Fall will be here before you know it! We are asking members to look around your community, for worthy individuals who are making quiet, impactful contributions to the community by mentoring women and helping others around them. Help us find professionals who can nominate their colleagues for the WOVI Mentor of the Year Awards this fall.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to grow your leadership skills, socialize with other WOVI women, and learn techniques to empower your life and others to go THE EXTRA DEGREE! What a dynamic and impactful agenda!
All Officers LeadersRing Zoom Link
Time: 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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MentoRing™ Always a favorite activity of every meeting, the MentoRing is our opportunity to be open, authentic, and honest as we empower and encourage each other.
Join us this Wednesday, May 10th, at 5:30 pm!
Topic: LeadersRing
Time: May 10, 2023 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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