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WOVI Proudly Announces Our First Virtual Chapter!

Women of Visionary Influence, Inc., empowering women to lead and mentor for over 20 years,
cordially invites you to participate in our first Virtual Chapter.
WOVI VC Prime will always meet virtually, and includes members from across the US!

Join WOVI VC Prime
Friday, April 11, 2025
starting at 5:30 pm MT / 6:30 pm CT / 7:30 pm ET

Invite a friend — or two or three!


Catherine Christman
“Get in Touch with
your Inner Brooklyn!”


Catherine Christman
“Get in Touch
your Inner Brooklyn!”

In her lifelong career in Media Relations, Catherine Christman has learned a “thing or two” about getting the attention of decision makers, pushing the envelope, moderating the “good girl syndrome,” the value of kidding around, and using her sense of humor to open doors to being heard and seen.

In her inimitable style and through personal stories of working with a myriad of celebrities, Catherine will share her experiences in the Green Room and the Board Room, filled with lessons for women in all stages of their careers to be taken seriously as professionals, without always having to project seriousness! Catherine says, “women undervalue kidding around.”

Please join WOVI VC Prime on Friday, April 11, 2025, for our OPEN HOUSE meeting to enjoy Catherine Christman’s light hearted, lively and learning-rich conversation with our own VP of Programs Carolyn Campbell. 

During her prestigious career, where her specialty is designing comprehensive media relations plans from the ground up, Catherine Christman has helmed everything from the media relations departments at tremendously successful non-profits, such as the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, to the public relations operations at the flagship stations of NBC and Fox in New York. 

In addition, she produced a nightly television show for CNBC that showcased top entertainment and political figures, headed up the Communications operations for Stephen Colbert’s sister’s (Elizabeth Colbert Busch’s) run for Congress, and in recognition of her critical thinking and writing skills secured an NY Emmy nomination for her editorial writing. 

While Features Editor at various newspapers—from Connecticut to South Carolina—she received invaluable knowledge about the inner workings of newsrooms, which is the cornerstone of her approach to securing visibility for her clients. 

Lastly, as VP of Communications for the Public Television and Radio statewide network in South Carolina, she devised a marketing campaign for PBS—“We Can’t Live on Love Alone”—in conjunction with Valentine’s Day that won the top PBS marketing award and was emulated by public radio stations throughout the country. Its success enabled her radio network to exceed its fundraising goals by over $100,000 in just one month. 

During the course of her career, she has had the opportunity to interact with dozens of celebrities, from chatting for a few minutes with highly-touted stars to being a PR representative for actor Gary Sinise, as he traveled the country on behalf of a 9/11 nonprofit.


WOVI VC Prime meets online via Zoom.
RSVP to receive free Zoom registration link.

Member Spotlight:

Be inspired by the latest Member Spotlight. Each month, we allow one of our fabulous members the opportunity to share something special about themselves. It’s a great way to get to know them better and be inspired by their wisdom and experience. We always look forward to seeing them truly shine in the Member Spotlight! 

MentoRing™ Exercise

Each WOVI Chapter meeting allows for time to reflect or work on the topic of the meeting. It is a trademarked exercise created by our Co-Founder Pauline Shirley and instigated at the very first WOVI public meeting. It is unique and beneficial in that each individual provides her comments or answers to a relevant question, then receives immediate input and feedback from the meeting participants. It happens in small groups so wisdom and knowledge are both gained and imparted personally. The results can be life-changing!

The Dream Bowl & WOVI Moments:

Every meeting includes an opportunity to share WOVI Moments, your accomplishments and Mentor-to-Mentee Moments. This is your chance to thank your mentor, appreciate your mentee, share a recent success or accomplishment, also known as “bragging rights or shining star moments,” or to share an experience you have had because you are a member of WOVI. Members and guests alike are encouraged to participate.


RSVP here to receive the Zoom registration link
and an exclusive MentoRing™ exercise worksheet.

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    Your Email (required)


    RSVP for which date(s)?

    (The agenda at left is for the next upcoming date, but you can RSVP to future events as well).

    Will you be attending the New Member Orientation prior to the meeting? (see Agenda section for time)

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    Please include any additional comments here:

    Please click "SEND" to finish your RSVP.


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    Typical Meeting Agenda:

    • 5:00 MT / 6:00 CT / 7:00 pm ET
      Connect / Check In / Social Time
    • 5:30 / 6:30 / 7:30 pm
      Meeting Start Time / Introductions
    • Member Spotlight
    • Speaker / Presentation
    • MentoRing™ Activity
    • WOVI Moments
    • WOVI Membership & Benefits
    • Announcements
    • 7:30 / 8:30 / 9:30 pm
      Meeting Adjourns

    New Member Orientation:

    To learn more about WOVI and the value of membership, attend the Member and Mentor Orientation prior to the meeting. If you plan to attend the orientation, please let us know when you RSVP.

    Meeting Sponsors:

    Are you interested in promoting your business to WOVI women? Please consider being a meeting sponsor. Contact Pauline Shirley at woviex@WOVI.com or 214-450-6075. 

    About WOVI, Inc.:

    Founded in July, 2001, by Pauline Shirley and Teresa Smith, Women of Visionary Influence, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership-driven organization with a unique mentoring and leadership focus. It is the Mission of WOVI, Inc. to empower women to lead and mentor. We exist to mentor women by presentation of educational programs that enhance all areas of their lives. Membership in WOVI provides access to a personal mentor to help each woman achieve, succeed and prosper in her chosen path in life. Skills of leadership are taught by example, through mentoring and by practical application in serving the organization. We serve women of all professions, interests, ages, ethnicities, religions and backgrounds.

    About WOVI VC Prime:

    In early 2020 all WOVI chapter started holding regular chapter meetings online via Zoom. This allowed us to reconnect with members and women we had not seen at our in-person meetings, and we realized the virtual world needed its own WOVI chapter! Thus WOVI VC Prime was launched in September of 2020!

    These challenging times have provided an exceptional opportunity for women around the world to supplement WOVI’s empowering in-person meetings with a new completely online Chapter, with all the presentations, mentoring and experiences enjoyed in every WOVI Chapter.

    You have the unique opportunity to become a dues-paying charter member of WOVI VC Prime, helping to set a course for women around the world to experience mentoring, leadership and education in an environment of advocacy and encouragement — online!

    Our Vision:

    Women empowered to make a difference in their lives, communities, and in the world.

    2024-2025 Officers:


    Jyo Pai

    First Vice President

    Danni Babik

    Second Vice President

    Cynthia Lucas

    Vice President Finance

    Pauline Shirley

    Vice President Member Services


    Vice President Programs

    Carolyn Campbell

    Vice President Mentoring

    Cynthia Lucas

    Vice President Membership

    Jyo Pai

    Vice President Communications

    Danni Babik

    Vice President Administration

    Debbie McMillan

    WOVI VC Prime Upcoming Meetings:

    WOVI VC Prime meets on the Second Friday of each month, 6:30-8:30 PM Central Time (5:30 PM Mountain Time, 7:30 PM Eastern Time)

    Save The Date For These Upcoming Meetings!

    • Friday, May 9, 2025
    • Friday, June 13, 2025
    • Friday, July 11, 2025

    WOVI VC Prime Previous Meetings:

    Here are some of the speakers and presentations we’ve enjoyed recently!

    Celeste Edmunds

    Executive Director, The Christmas Box House, 
    Author “Garbage Bag Girl”

    From Darkness to Advocacy:
    One Survivor’s Journey to Empower Vulnerable Children

    Christmas Box House Executive Director Celeste Edmunds understands what the children she serves at The Christmas Box Houses are going through. She went through it herself. Her biological parents were addicts, and her childhood was an ongoing cycle of police calls, fighting, and physical, sexual, and mental abuse. At age 7, Celeste was taken from her home and placed into a child welfare system, where moving every few months to a new environment became normal. By age sixteen, she had lived in more than 30 cities. 

    Celeste views her childhood as a difficult but essential growing experience. There were terrible things, but there were also caring people along the way who did what they could to protect and nurture her. She was author Richard Paul Evans’ assistant when he founded The Christmas Box International. She quickly became an integral part of its creation, helping to build and refine the original shelters for a decade before taking a new position in Corporate America. Working in the corporate world gave her valuable knowledge of a different kind, with experience in marketing (receiving Marketer of the Year by Utah Business Magazine), public relations, community giving, and team management. Combining her nonprofit and corporate experience, Celeste is uniquely fit to guide The Christmas Box International. Celeste is passionate about making a difference in the lives of youth and the child welfare system so that others may not have to go through the same experiences she had. 

    The Christmas Box International celebrates 28 years of defending more than 155,000 children. That is enough to fill Madison Square Garden more than seven and a half times.

    Celeste believes that The Christmas Box International is more than a place–it is a concept where community, government, and nonprofits come together to bring the resources to children that they need. As a child who grew up in the system, Celeste understands the importance of providing these youth the opportunity for a better life by providing them with safety, dignity, and hope. Her goal is to give these beautiful children everything she wished for as a child, including hope for a better future.

    Celeste released her book last fall titled Garbage Bag Girl. She hopes to bring more awareness to the issues that face children in the child welfare system and help them know that they deserve a childhood and are worthy of safety and love.

    Ann Ranson

    “Using Hope to Build an Effective Engagement Strategy”

    Ann Ranson is a teacher, facilitator, and guide for powerful breakthroughs that support personal and professional growth.

    After 30+ years in the hard-scrabble media industry and a career spanning Fortune 500 experience, Ann found a way to combine her sales and marketing background with strategy and coaching. Her passion for helping others live life to the fullest has helped countless clients dig deep into the root of their situations and find ideal outcomes for happiness and success.

    As a two-time TEDx speaker, author of “Intentions at Work: 83 Spiritual Tools to Succeed in Business” and volunteer advocate for AARP Texas, Ann expertly tailors her strengths to any audience and gains insights that help provide solutions for strategic progress.

    No matter where you’re starting from, Ann will meet you there and help you work with intention towards your best direction forward.

    MaryAnne Adams

    “Thrive, Grow, and Make a Difference”

    MaryAnne Adams, speaker, mentor, and author of “Moving Mountains One Rock at a Time: Rewrite Your Story and Restore Your Hope,” inspires women to up-level their lives with their Powerful Life Vision. She has seen women become successful in their businesses, find the love of their life, and feel that deep sense of personal fulfillment. MaryAnne will show you how a successful mentoring program will propel you to become your own life author, write the story of your life, and live it powerfully! She is thrilled to share her vision of how to connect and influence women at all stages of life. 

    Drawing upon Masters of Education degree, 30 years of teaching and much life experience, MaryAnne Adams has the unique ability to coach individuals through life transitions and into balanced, healthy lives, filled with purpose, trust, and love.

    MaryAnne’s natural enthusiasm and incredible heart create a safe space for clients to build inspiration and motivation. She is a spiritually-minded, professional life coach with the experience and skills needed to help single or married women in midlife, transform their lives and find hope and purpose. She will help you let go of the fears that hold you back and empower you to build a stronger, happier life. MaryAnne will help you create more joy, self-worth, confidence and clarity. 

    Cheryl Knowlton

    “Burn the Hamster Wheel”

    Stress Management Strategies

    As the CEO and Chief Energy Officer of Dynamite Productions, a national real estate educator, broker, coach, author, podcast host and 23+ year veteran of the real estate and mortgage industries, Cheryl Knowlton specializes in enthusiastically empowering excellence by consistently delivered highly engaging, timely, and relevant tools to help today’s real estate professional raise the bar – in business and in life.

    Cheryl began her career in 1999 in the California Bay Area. She now holds 17 NAR Designations and Certifications, and regularly teaches most of those courses via Zoom to agents all over the country and internationally. She also loves creating and teaching her own custom courses for state and local Associations of Realtors as well as creating and teaching Instructor Development Workshops for many states.

    After years of fighting the nickname “The Compliance Queen,” Cheryl now embraces that title. She has been a part of creating three Utah pre-licensing schools and is now in the process of creating her own brand-new Utah pre-licensing and Broker school. Cheryl is a 12-year member of the National Speakers Association, and is a proud holder of the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) Designation, which is held by only six Real Estate speakers in the United States.

    When she is not taking up temporary residence in a Disney theme park, Cheryl loves traveling the country, educating Realtors and brokers, as well as sharing her energetic expertise with international brands and franchises. In her spare time, she also loves to hike, ski, read, run half marathons, (she has completed 30), spend time with her Prince Charming, and play with her 14 (including Moira) grandchildren and her dog Scooby.

    Karen Eber headshot

    TEDxPurdueU Presentation by Karen Eber, Leadership Consultant:

    “How your brain responds to stories – and why they’re crucial for leaders”

    As WOVI’s first Virtual Chapter, WOVI VC Prime provides a unique format to share prerecorded presentations by women and for women – with a space to discuss our impressions and opinions with our fellow attendees, and experience a MentoRing activity that expands on the presentation, providing an added dimension, impact, and value for each of us.

    Please join us in viewing a TEDxPurdueU presentation by Leadership Consultant Karen Eber that explains how the best leaders earn trust –– by not just presenting data, but by also telling great stories. With impactful examples Karen explains the basics of effective storytelling and how stories allow your audience to empathize with and better understand data.

    Author, Speaker, Leadership Consultant Karen Eber is a culture transformation expert and leadership development whisperer. As the CEO and Chief Storyteller of Eber Leadership Group, Karen helps companies reimagine and evolve how they build empathic and curious leaders and teams, transform culture and inspire with storytelling.

    Karen works with Fortune 500 companies such as General Electric, ADP, Carrier, Guardian Life, Kraft Heinz, Facebook, and Big Four Consulting Firms. She also guest lectures in Universities including MIT and London Business School. Karen has inspired many through her articles published in Fast Company, CLO Magazine, and Training Industry Magazine.

    With 20+ years of experience, Karen has been a Head of Culture and Chief Learning Officer at General Electric and a Head of Leadership Development at Deloitte. She’s developed 90,000 employees in 150 countries and is a four-time American Training and Development winner. Her book, “The Perfect Story: How to tell stories that inform, influence and inspire” is coming in Fall of 2023.

    Find out more about Karen and subscribe to her podcast, “Brain Food,” at kareneber.com


    LeadersRings are held periodically. Some are via conference calls and some are live face-to-face meetings. Detailed information about the type of meeting and location of meetings will be sent via email (you may sign up to receive these announcements on the right side of this page) to all members and posted on the website.
    For more information, please see the LeadersRing™ page.

    What members say about WOVI!

    WOVI has given me the confidence and accountability I need to pursue my dreams. Also, WOVI has given me wonderful friends.
    Nancy Starr-Cassidy- WOVI Member
    “The impact that WOVI has had on me since I became a member is huge. When I first became a member of WOVI, I was in the middle of some personal challenges. Going to the meetings helped me to move through these challenges by focusing on the topics that our meetings presented and stepping out of me and being of a help to someone else. I also developed deeper friendships with my already friends and cultivated new bonds of friendship with my new friends. By being in various leadership roles in our chapter, I am a better leader by just being in the presence of other leaders on the board. Learning and putting into practice leadership skills. As I stepped out of the chapter and went to the WOVI conference, I met other entrepreneurial minded women that have presented me with new and fresh ideas to increase my various streams of income. Therefore, making WOVI, an instrument of influence and of affluence.
    Dr. Ann- WOVI Member
    What I like about WOVI best of all is the mentoring. Being mentored by others has led me to do things I never thought of or never would have thought possible, if I had thought of them. Being involved in a nonprofit from the very beginning has helped me in so many ways. I have learned about mission and vision. I have changed my career path at the encouragement and enlightenment from my fellow WOVI members. I have created, agonized over, and learned to live with budgets! My salary has increased by 71% since becoming a member of WOVI. I have become a better encourager and delegator. I have become a leader.
    Janet Wilemon- WOVI Member
    WOVI has provided me with the opportunity to become more creative and to be part of a group that is genuinely interested in empowering women. It gives me a unique insight into how to empower women outside the WOVI group, and understand at a much deeper level my influence on other women in my life.
    Ruth White- WOVI Member
    Nervous and feeling vulnerable as I began to experience the power of the WOVI trademark Mento-Ring exercise, I received such important information from this educator , I was so uplifted I joined the very next meeting!
    Krista Hartman- WOVI Member
    When I first came to WOVI I had a book I wanted to write but thought I lacked what it took to get it done. I found WOVI women to be dynamic, accomplished, down-to-earth, supportive, and uplifting. I was impressed by the caliber of woman that was attracted to this group and that made me step up my game. The support I received from people I barely knew helped me to gain confidence in my abilities to tackle this book despite the fact that I was a fresh-out-of-the-closet writer. I started to strive for goals that I had long been afraid to attempt. In the WritersRing, we have created a safe, dynamic, supportive environment that enables writers to open their hearts and minds, hone their craft, and find and explore their true voice. It is often the first place guests and new members have read their work aloud. With the support of the WritersRing, I forged ahead with my book and it will be out in May 2014. The title is The Global Red Circle – Standing in Truth, Unleashing Our Most Powerful Selves. I have even retired from my business of ten years to live my dream and be a full-time writer and a build a singing and songwriting career. WOVI women are the best!
    Kim Andrews- WOVI Member
    WOVI has given me the confidence and accountability I need to pursue my dreams. Also, WOVI has given me wonderful friends.
    Sarah Baden- WOVI Member
    WOVI women are so supportive. Meetings are rich in generosity, approval and opportunity.
    Valery Guignon- WOVI Member
    WOVI is the one thing my energy drives toward every month – it is unique among women’s organizations.
    Frances Pelley- WOVI Member
    WOVI women are absolutely the most authentic, loving, supportive and fun women. I love that we have mentors for growth, support, and encouragement through new projects.
    Lynda Rhodes- WOVI Member

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