Hilton Garden Inn-Richardson
1001 W. President George Bush Turnpike, Richardson, Texas, 75080
Isn’t it wonderful!? A weekend event to build and recharge women to be all that you want to be: “Wondrous Women with Purpose, Passion and Power!”
Join Women of Visionary Influence, WOVI Inc. on May 19, 2019 at the Annual Conference for Women at the Hilton Garden Inn in Richardson from 8:30 am. to 4:00 p.m. With an array of outstanding speakers to intrigue and enlighten us, and breakout sessions that focus on things we KNOW women are interested in pursuing, it’s a not-to-be-missed event.
Take a moment and register now! The meeting fee is small compared to the caliber of our presenters and the value of what you will receive. Just $89, gets our members in for a full-day of fun and focus on YOU! Non-members pay a little bit more to get a taste of what WOVI has to offer. Other opportunities are available for the businesses you are involved in: Vendor Faire to showcase your products and services and a Book Faire for those of you who are published authors. Fees to exhibit include attendance to the conference, so you get the best of both worlds.
Member fees
Conference $89
Conference + Book / Vendor Faire $109
Guest fees
Conference $139
Conference + Book / Vendor Faire $159
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Look at this exciting lineup of Speakers!

Dr. Kimberly Ellison
Dr. Kimberly Ellison
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Strategist, Consultant
Finding Purpose: In Pursuit of Your Super Power!
Your purpose unlocks your super power! Join us for this dynamic development and discovery session, designed to help you identify and understand how knowing your purpose impacts your work and well-being. You will learn how to utilize the power of your why, understand the power of your purpose and discover how finding purpose defines your professional brand. Your pursuit of finding purpose reveals the “She”-ro within!
Dr. Ellison is a highly-sought conference speaker, training and seminar facilitator, panel moderator and panelist, as well as a thought driver on topics related to personal, professional and spiritual development, leadership and women issues. Dr. Kimberly Ellison’s passion and purpose are seeing, experiencing and being a vital part of the personal, professional and spiritual growth and development of people. Her professional career lends itself to over 16 years of experience providing effective and innovative training and performance improvement solutions to national and international organizations through strategy development, program execution and training implementation. She brings solutions-oriented and outcome-driven expertise to small-businesses, Fortune 500 companies, nonprofit organizations, ministries and individuals related to optimizing organizational, leadership and individual performance and advancing women worldwide.
Kimberly is the founder of House of Ruth Jewels, Inc., Gemstones and Gentlemen Summer Enrichment Program, CEO of Dr. Kimberly Ellison Global, LLC, Corporate Jewel and author of the books, ALIGN: Corporate Jewel Strategies for Rebranding Success, Vision: Write. Plan. Pray. and Kingdom BOSS Chick: BLUEPRINT. Kimberly is also the voice of WOW, Winning on Wednesdays with Dr. Kimberly Ellison, a live radio segment on the Jermaine Simpson on KHVN 970AM. One of her favorite sayings is “broken crayons still color.”
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Ellen Castro
Ellen Castro
CEO, Chief Energizing Officer
You Have the POWER!
Are you feeling confident or crushed? The choice is yours! Ellen joyfully shares her pragmatic insights and wisdom for living passionately. Shattering her head on the glass ceiling in the 1980s was simply preparation. Ellen’s mess became her message. Life is madly in love with us. There are no wasted experiences. We have super-powers. Be energized and empowered to live authentically!
Ellen Castro, Chief Energizing Officer, is an award-winning, best-selling author, globally recognized business and leadership consultant, trusted executive coach and captivating speaker. Ellen’s proven framework for results makes a tangible lasting impact on her clients’ success. She is a valued partner in 18 industries ranging from high tech to entertainment to education to government and nonprofits. Ellen has touched millions via life-changing keynotes and media appearances. Her books, Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust and Happy in Spite of People, unleash the potential and power of the human spirit. With a MEd from Harvard and MBA from SMU, she served on the faculty of SMU’s Business Leadership Center and taught the inaugural Latinas and Leadership class at UNT.
Ellen’s combination of warmth, spirit, experiences, insights, amazing solutions and joy of service has made her the differential to so many seeking greater success in business and life. Come expand and accelerate with Ellen. Let’s share our passions and make a tangible lasting impact on our long-term success.
To learn more about Ellen, click on this link:
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Joanne Garcia
Joanne Garcia
AVP of Procurement and Materials Management
DFW International Airport
Panel Moderator
Joanne Baca Garcia is the Assistant Vice President of Procurement and Materials Management at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Joanne has over 25 years of experience in contracts, procurement and materials management. Prior to joining the Airport, Joanne managed at Neiman Marcus and rose through the ranks of Union Pacific Resources Company, where she managed an international staff. Joanne earned her BBA in Marketing Management from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico and completed her MBA at the University of Dallas.
Joanne was a 2016 finalist as a WOVI Mentor of Year. She is committed to mentoring at work as she leads and encourages team members and in her role with the DFW Airport Women’s Improvement Network (WIN). A true leader in many fields and activities, Joanne is the perfect person to lead our panel of successful women! She knows how to get the most and best out of her teams.
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Yolanda Harper
Yolanda Harper
President Alpha Discovery Group LLC
Speaker and Trainer for Fort Worth Blue Zones Project
Yolanda Harper is passionate about seeing others operate in their personal power. An energetic speaker, trainer, and author, she uses her platform to impact, influence and ignite her audience. Her signature statement: “It’s imperative that you leave my presence better than you came! If not, our time was wasted!”
She will offer us “Yolanda’s Nuggets,” which are small bits of impactful information that you can grab and take with you. Her presentation will be filled with them and it’s up to you to seize as many as you need. As a trainer, she’s dedicated to developing others physically, personally and professionally. In 2009, Yolanda expanded Fit&40 Crew, an outdoor fitness boot camp and most recently started Alpha Discovery Group, LLC, all while maintaining a full-time job as a Relationship Consultant with Blue Zones Project. Yolanda serves on the Fort Worth Task Force on Race and Culture and has received several awards from Fort Worth Business Press.

Denita Lacking-Quin
Denita Lacking-Quinn
Second Vice President /CEO
Achieve PR, LLC
Recognized as an award-winning expert and accomplished entrepreneur in public relations, social media management, and corporate engagement industries, Denita Lacking-Quinn, founder of Achieve PR, has built one of the fastest growing boutique firms in North Texas. Her enterprising background lends to her deep-rooted understanding of consumer influence, trend-setting and spotting and buying behaviors.
As an El Centro College Business Growth Center Advisory Board member, she is as passionate about public service as she is about public relations. She volunteers her time and expertise to various civic organizations including the American Diabetes Association of North Texas, Heads Up! Foundation, Recording Academy Texas Chapter, Oak Cliff Leadership Council and the Press Club of Dallas. She is a recipient of many local awards and is a lifelong learner with multiple prestigious learning opportunities and certifications.

Sherri Elliott-Yeary, SPHR
Sherri Elliott-Yeary
Author, Speaker, and Coach
Sherri Elliott-Yeary is known as the Generational Guru. She is a Generational Keynote Speaker, Coach, and Author. Having been born in 1968, Sherri’s DNA is a Gen X but her Generational Personality is a Baby Boomer. This is what they say about Sheri; “Sherri is one of the most engaging, relevant and funny generational speakers I’ve come across in my career. In fact, “speaker” does not adequately describe Sherri. She is equal parts Human Resource expert, humorist, and entertainer.” Jennifer Kaneshiro, Chief People Officer, Chickasaw Nation.
As a Generations Expert she understands the differences between the five generations: Traditionalists (born 1922 to 1944), Baby Boomers (born 1945-1964), Generation Xers (born 1965-1979), Millennials, also called Gen Yers, (born 1980-1996), and Generation Z (born 1997and later). Sherri understands how the generations can live, and most importantly, work together successfully without name-calling or bloodshed.
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when you attend two of the afternoon breakout sessions.
Choose wisely!

Patrice Withers-Stephens
Patrice Withers-Stephens
“It’s All About the Brand!”
What do you promote, without saying it?
This interactive workshop is designed for individuals to think about their own personal branding. Often we don’t realize that what we put out into the universe has a direct impact on our success. After completing this class, attendees will leave more empowered to manage their personal brand through nonverbal interactions.
Workshop Goals:
• Learn how to create a personal mission statement
• Learn how to create a professional philosophy statement
• Nonverbal exercise to determine what others think about you
• Managing how others perceive you
• Winning strategies
Patrice Withers-Stephens is a talented multifaceted professional with over a decade of experience in corporate responsibility and reputation, community relations, communications, and public relations. Over the course of her career she has worked in mid-management for Fortune 500 companies. She is currently a Senior Associate with J. C. Penney’s philanthropy team.

Alise Cortez
Alise Cortez
Professional/Organizational Development Catalyst
Want to Live and Work from Your Purpose? Look from Not-So-Obvious Places
Many people crave meaningful work that gives them a sense of purpose, but the daily grind of just getting through life leaves them feeling exhausted and depleted. How in the world can we find—and live—passion and purpose when the demands of our basic lives overwhelm our ability to create the lives we really want for ourselves? Discovering our purpose and finding a way to live it takes something—and finding it means looking in not-so-obvious places. But the reward is so delicious—for ourselves, and everyone we touch. And it may not be immediately obvious, until we focus our attention.
Dr. Alise Cortez is a speaker, consultant, coach, published author, radio show and podcast host, and development and engagement catalyst based in Dallas, Texas. Having developed her expertise within in the human capital and organizational transformation industry over the last 20 years, today she is focused on helping people across the globe more meaningfully and productively connect with their work to achieve greater fulfillment, more impactful results, and meaningful work-life integration. Tune into Alise’s “Working on Purpose” radio show on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment channel and join her live Wednesdays 5-6 pm CST or download the recorded podcast.
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Lauren Midgley
Lauren Midgley
Author, Speaker and Productivity Expert
You’ve Got the Passion and You’ve Got the Power, Now Create the PLAN!
How do you go back and implement the new knowledge gained at a conference? The purpose for bringing everyone in for a conference is to provide new information, share success stories and cause a shift in thinking. Lauren will help you determine how to apply new information and utilize it into your life. She will give you techniques to maximize your understanding and build a plan to implement these ideas into YOUR Life!
Lauren is a highly in-demand speaker and top selling author. Based in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, Lauren Midgley became an entrepreneur in 2010 after a 25+ year career with two Fortune 500 companies in a variety of positions: franchise development, sales, and marketing. Her depth of knowledge and understanding come from being an executive managing a team and being a business owner herself. She engages the audience through interaction, thought-provoking questions and unbridled enthusiasm. Her goal is to shift our thinking and action to get results.
Lauren is a professional member of the National Speaker Association and is on the Board for the North Texas Chapter. She has an MBA and undergraduate degree in marketing. Lauren is proud to have acquired the Certified Franchise Executive Certification from the International Franchise Association.

Peggy Campagna
Peggy Campagna
Health Advocate
Certified Tai Chi Gung Teacher
An Ancient Practice Can Make You Feel Young Again!
Join Peggy Campagna as she shares one of the keys that has brought her to a legacy of health! In this 45-minute experience you will learn the ancient practice of Tai Chi Gung. Originating in Tibet over 3000 years ago, people have been improving their health, plus building strength, attaining balance and peace of mind with these simple routines. Each of the gentle, yet powerful, movements help you age younger while connecting you to your breath and grounding you to the earth. Peggy will share this valuable practice and make it fun learning the basics so you can begin to enjoy a lifetime of vitality.
Peggy Campagna, former flight attendant, State Farm Insurance agent, health advocate and Univera Wellness Coach, has decades of knowledge on how to keep your brain and body vital and strong. She is passionate about listening to the body and putting the right nutrients in to support aging younger every day! Everyone who knows her would love to know her secrets—now you have a chance to learn more. Attend Peggy’s Tai Chi Gung Session—you will leave energized, grounded and present!
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